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  • Cosmetic Dentistry& Bio Mechanics

    Restore the youthful appearance with long lasting effects.

  • FacialAesthetic Treatments

    Create a more youthful, natural appearance, where patients look & feel better.

Teeth Whitening

A beautiful smile affects the response you get. Project an attractive signal, get a more positive reaction - quick, effective, basic. A bright white smile communicates health and confidence.

Causes of tooth discolouration External tooth discolouration is caused by factors outside the body. Movement of molecules into the enamel prismas. Tabacco, food, wine, coffee, tea, oranges and other.

Internal toth discolouration is caused by exposure to antibiotics like tetraclycins while teeth develop, too high level of fluoride while teeth develop, restorations, trauma, side effects of root canal treatment, tooth decay.

There is a solution for every smile

In-office tooth whitening

  • Lighten up to 10 shades in about 1 hour.
  • Combined hydrogen peroxide, pH boosters in whitening gel, with advanced light technology accelerates whitening process, delivering dramatic whitening results that patients love.

In-office treatment; 5 minutes in chair 4 shades whiter

  • Noticeably whiter results in minimal time
  • Varnish with 2 layer technology whiten teeth 4 shades in 5 minutes. Any dental appointment can become a whitening appointment as well.

Professional take home treatments

  • Mouth trays with gel. Custom-made trays with reservoirs that fit over your teeth with a solution for every smile. From dramatic results with minimal wear time to long lasting results, keeping smiles bright in between.

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