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Company Overview

CDAFA is a scientific organisation that regulates the highest standards of service, science and education amongst different dental specialities. It provides medical-legal support in conjunction with medical-legal societies.

The society will promote mutual support amongst members and aim to provide relationships amongst members with government authorities, the Health Professions Council of South Africa, dental representative societies and medical societies. Monthly CPD accredited meetings and training sessions will be held. Advanced courses in aesthetic dentistry and facial aesthetics will be presented.

CDAFA Mission

We want to marry the current aesthetic medical system with dental cosmetic treatments.

Integrate facial aesthetic treatments and cosmetic dentistry in the spectrum of modern medical and dental science with artistic and aesthetic benefits for patients, establishing a multi-disciplinary team based approach to address facial aesthetic needs.

CDAFA Business

No questions – patients are the lifeblood of your dental practice. You must be focussed on filling the top of your practices’ funnel with new patients.

New patients drive revenue and opportunities for growth which can be exponential.
Successfully leverage existing resources in your practice to produce new clients.